
Bernard Peek bap at shrdlu.com
Sat May 27 21:45:04 UTC 2006

> On Saturday 27 May 2006 15:17, Dave Scott wrote:
> > Well, looks like I'm in the minority here, but if I do run across a post
> > that's in chronological order top to bottom, and if the last answer is
> > off the screen, most likely I'll just move on to the next message rather
> > than take the time to scroll.
> > Dave
> >>> whack
> Dave:
> Here's the flaw in your strategy: I've noticed that the people who are
> fussiest about bottom posting are more apt to be old time *nix
> types whereas
> top posters are more apt to be recent windows migrants. Guess who
> is more apt
> to give you a useful answer.

That's an argument for using different techniques in different places. For
what it's worth, having been using email since before Microsoft was formed,
my preference is for traditional bottom-posting in newsgroups and mailing
lists where I can organise messages by thread. In business email I prefer
bottom posting because I don't usually have previous messages easily
available to establish context.

I suspect that the reason why Microsoft make bottom-posting easier is
because it's a better choice for the majority of messages created in
Outlook. Of course it's still possible to bottom-post and trim using Outlook
(as this message proves.)

For my next trick I'll teach it about sensible margins....

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