[more newbie ???] howto list installed programs on menus?

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net
Fri May 26 08:30:22 UTC 2006

In the Great Book it has Been Written that on Thu, 25 May 2006 22:36:58
-0700 David Armour <d.f.armour at shaw.ca> didst appear within my Magick
Viewing Screen and, being somewhat pleasantly supplicatory, did
polemicize thusly:

> hello list,
> i can see all sorts of instructions for installing programs, but not
> for howto list installed programs on the applications menu.
> i'm looking to try out imagemagick (6: and synaptic PM 
> claims that imagemagick's installed. why do some installed programs 
> appear on an application menu, and not others?
> i'm running dapper beta and mostly loving it. but i'd also like to
> fill in this particular gap in my knowledge base. i haven't checked
> the forums recently. my apologies if this question's just been
> answered.
> thanks for your patience.
sudo apt-get install menu
<enter your password>

Cybe R. Wizard
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