dual boot & system clock confused

René list.account at gmx.net
Fri May 26 07:11:32 UTC 2006

> Am 26.05.2006, 00:41 Uhr, schrieb Adam Lafayette <atomlbomb at yahoo.com>:
> I am running a dual boot machine.
> Ubuntu 5.10 & Windows XP
> On a AMD 64 3200+ 1GB of mem
> When in win XP it shows the time as 4 hours ahead of the actual time.
> If I change the time to the correct time and reboot into win XP again   
> the time is correct.
> If I reboot into ubuntu the time is correct.
> If I reboot into win XP again the time will be 4 hours ahead of the real  
> time again.
> Anyone know how to fix this?

right date keeps okay in both systems, on my machine time is 2 hours  
ahead, and correction does not help much either. strange.

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