ready, shoot, aim

maxim wexler blissfix at
Tue May 23 23:26:15 UTC 2006

Hi group,

Now that ubuntu is up and running OK: I've written
that lists file, I've run apt-get update and upgrade,
got xmms  to work etc; I went back and looked at the
part of the install docs dealing with post-boot issues
and see that I haven't even run apt-setup and
base-config yet. 

Are those safe to run now? I looked at apt-setup man
and it says something about running without prompting
for input if it see things "pre-seeded" as it put it.
So I ran it and sure enough it spat out some data and
returned me to the prompt without an error.

I was tempted to do the same with base-config but
thought I'd better consult the authorities first.


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