AIGLX on ATI Radeon 7000

Jean-Eric Cuendet jec at
Tue May 23 16:34:32 UTC 2006

I tried AIGLX with this card, with the free Radeon driver. The driver is 
OK, I have DRI working, but as soon as I start compiz, the complete 
machine freeze!
Any idea? Trick?
Thanks a lot

PS: Is there a proprietary driver for ATI 7000 cards? The FGLRX is only 
for 9000+ cards.

Best regards / Salutations.

Jean-Eric Cuendet
Senior developer / Technical support
Riskpro Technologies SA
Av. Louis-Ruchonnet 2
CH-1003 Lausanne

Direct    : +41 21 637 0123
Principal : +41 21 637 0110
Fax       : +41 21 637 0111
Skype     : jec.rptec
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