Orwell 0.1 beta 1 released!

nodata ubuntu at nodata.co.uk
Tue May 23 12:06:37 UTC 2006

> I hope you should not bash the contributors. This is in fact a proposed
> concept in GNOME 3.0,  See
> ThreePointZero<http://live.gnome.org/ThreePointZero>
> * Proposal: 'Instant apply' saving of documents as you edit,
>> What-You-See-Is-What's-On-Disc (WYSIWOD)*

It depends what you're editing.

If it's a config file read by a daemon when started or reloaded, fine.

If it's a config file read by a program every time it launches, the
WYWIWOD editor will end up breaking stuff.

e.g. if I edit rsync.conf and start typing, and meanwhile someone rsyncs
to the box, rsync will fail.

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