Authentication, application, active directory servers?

Ubuntu Warrior ulist at
Mon May 22 21:48:11 UTC 2006

Just stick with Ubuntu + Samba + OpenLDAP. We have just recently
migrated from an NT network onto a Ubuntu+Samba+OpenLDAP solution with
amazing results. We now have an open LDAP directory with which to build
our authentication around - currently have Linux and Windows clients
logging into the Samba-managed network domain.

After many hours of fiddling with the SMBLDAP tools we realised the
migration was quite simple and, in the end, only took us 40 minutes to
move from an M$ PDC to a Samba one. :D Our M$ Exchange and M$ SQL
Server systems seemlessly connect as member servers to the Samba PDC
using OpenLDAP directory information for authentication purposes.

Watch out for Linux and Windows differences in how passwords are
managed in OpenLDAP for Samba. Seems like Windows doesn't care about
the userPassword attribute but needs the NTPassword and LMPassword
ones. Linux only seems to use the userPassword attribute. The
smbldap-passwd script handles the syncing of all these attributes very

Ubuntu Warrior

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