dapper and evolution and thunderbird

Avraham Hanadari rufus at hanadari.net
Thu May 18 09:02:13 UTC 2006

Russell Cook wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-05-16 at 11:32 +0100, Jon Dixon wrote:
>> Russell Cook wrote:
>> > Just out of interest does anyone else find the following.
>> > 
>> > Evolution is much snappier than Thunderbird. When I change messages in
>> > the window list, Evolution takes noticeably less time than thunderbird
>> > to display the new message. For me, responsiveness of the user
>> > interface/experience is important and on my reasonably fast AMD have a
>> > noticeable difference to display the next message is off putting about
>> > thunderbird. It's one of the things Evo does right IMHO.
>> > 

The speed of FF, TB and OOo in Ubuntu Dapper is considerably slower that 
the same programs in Windows XP on my box. That was a great 
disappointment for me, since I was lead to believe that Linux was faster.

TB allows me to prepare templates which I use daily for letterhead 
stationery and mailings. TB allows me to insert or paste graphics. TB 
allows me to write in Hebrew. Evolution does none of these. It also does 
not have an audio alarm for appointments. That's pretty much what made 
me look into Kubuntu.


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