Checking Hard Drive

Richard cms01 at
Thu May 18 04:29:02 UTC 2006

>On 05/19/2006 12:22 AM, * Richard spake thusly:
>>fdisk /dev/hdaN, where N is the partition #
>>Richard wrote:
>>>>>What command would I use to check the hard and its partition,
>>>>>making sure all is well?
>>>>>Thanks -
>>Great, how about this:
>>I have a second drive (hdb) want to re-format this drive, and mount it
>>second: this drive is going to be used for mp3 and video play back.
>>(maybe holding some .pdf's )
>>!what format type Linux partition or vfat32 ? should I used and why?
>>and last, how does one right the command to do all the above?
>fat32 is the old (Win 9x) Windows file system.  It's rather universal
>these days in that most operating systems (Linux, Mac, Windows XP etc)
>can read and write to it.
>It's also the default format on flash media (USB flash drives, compact
>flash, secure digital etc).
>However, if you're only going to be running Linux then stick with a
>Linux file systemformat (ext3, Reiser etc).
>The default for Ubuntu is ext3.
Okay, so how does one re-format the hdb slave drive?

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