keychain in dapper

Roger Haxton rhaxton at
Wed May 17 18:17:01 UTC 2006

I just installed Ubuntu Dapper on my desktop at the office.  I run SuSE 10.0 
on my laptop and the desktop was previously SuSE.  I'm using keychain to 
manage ssh-agent to allow my RSA key login to my linux servers.  The way 
keychain is normally called is in ~/.bash_profile.  No matter what I've 
tried, I cannot get .bash_profile to be sourced by anything.  I've played 
with setting my umask in .bash_profile to see if it is getting sourced 
(besides keychain not firing up askpass-gnome).  This works brilliantly on my 
laptop.  If .bash_profile isn't the right place for this to work, please 
explain what is the right place.  This should affect the entire session 
rather than just when I fire up a terminal, making .bashrc not the best place 
for this.  The other requirement is that this be windowmanager agnostic.  I 
want this to work no matter what WM I use as I switch between GNOME, KDE, and 
several others depending on my mood of the day.  

Thanks in advance.

Please, won't somebody tell me what diddie-wa-diddie means?

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