dapper and evolution and thunderbird

Jon Dixon dixon.jon at gmail.com
Tue May 16 10:32:30 UTC 2006

Russell Cook wrote:
> Just out of interest does anyone else find the following.
> Evolution is much snappier than Thunderbird. When I change messages in
> the window list, Evolution takes noticeably less time than thunderbird
> to display the new message. For me, responsiveness of the user
> interface/experience is important and on my reasonably fast AMD have a
> noticeable difference to display the next message is off putting about
> thunderbird. It's one of the things Evo does right IMHO.

Yes; goes for me too.

Evolution is a pretty good drop in replacement for those users with MS
Outlook experience.

I've seen user comments about the speed difference between Ubuntu
Firefox and the Mozilla release. Is it the same with Thunderbird?

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