vim-gome half-installs

Derek Broughton news at
Sun May 14 23:24:14 UTC 2006

Karl Auer wrote:

> On Sat, 2006-05-13 at 16:56 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> > I have never consciously installed anything to do with 686:
>> > 
>> Well, you installed ubuntu-minimal.  It's only a virtual package, you
>> don't need it.
> No, I did NOT. Some other package decided that was a dependency and
> installed it for me. I think probably the vim package, as it was removed
> when I removed vim.

Oh, stop it.  Of course you did.  I didn't say it was explicit, it's just
something that got installed on account of some choice you made. And no,
vim doesn't install ubuntu-minimal.  I don't want to chase it down myself,
but on a bet I'd guess that ubuntu-minimal is actually a dependency of

The significant part of my post, which you ignored, is YOU DON'T NEED IT. 
Don't get worked up when you remove a package and it wants to remove
something you don't remember installing.  Even if you have a very bad
memory, the odds are that anything that gets automatically removed wasn't
something you wanted.  It _certainly_ isn't something you needed.

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