Xen 3.0.1 with Ubuntu Dapper in DOM0

Roberto Pereyra pereyra.roberto at gmail.com
Thu May 11 10:46:46 UTC 2006


I installed now the binary Xen 3.0.2 official package from Xen and
now the DOMU xen  start.

I found this link
http://polydistortion.net/monkey/archives/2006/04/21/003695.html that
it comments my same problem  :

"The next little hitch is that (even if you use the packages mentioned
above) you'll find that xend can't start the network interface for the
domU kernel and aborts booting it up, saying hotplug must be broken.
Upgrading to dapper removes hotplug (it's udev all the way - if you
think you'll try installing hotplug to make it work, apt-get happily
offers to remove a couple of rather vital - for this system - packages
like lvm and mdadm, which makes it somewhat less compelling as a
solution). After a bit more investigative googling, it turns out that
it will work with udev, it's just that the Xen install puts a file in
/etc/udev/rules.d called xen-backend.rules. This isn't getting used,
but if you rename it to something with a number in front of it like
92-xen-backend.rules, you'll be ok. Mind you, doing an
/etc/init.d/udev restart didn't help, I actually had to reboot to make
it work (ick!)."

Also in my system /var/run/xenstored it is erased each reboot, in this
site he comment the same error too:

"If you're installing from source, you might want to add the following
from the ubuntu/debian xen package's /etc/init.d/xend, which goes at
the start of the script (after the check for /proc/xen/capabilities) :

# create directories if required
if [ ! -d /var/run/xend ]
        mkdir -p /var/run/xend

if [ ! -d /var/run/xenstored ]
        mkdir -p /var/run/xenstored

If you don't do this, xend won't start - even worse, you just get a
generic "no such file or directory" error, without any real hint of
what file or directory it's whining about."

Thanks to all !! (excuse my english)


2006/5/10, Matthew Palmer <mpalmer at hezmatt.org>:
> On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 07:27:53AM -0300, Roberto Pereyra wrote:
> > I get the following error message on the command line:
> >
> > Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Hotplug scripts not
> > working.
> Do you have the xen-backend udev rules installed?
> > If I install hotplug
> >
> > apt-get install hotplug
> >
> > it breaks my server, apt-get desinstall many packages like udev, lvm
> > packages, and many more.
> Then something much larger than just Xen is broken.  I'm going to guess
> that you're running some kind of inter-release hodge-podge.  Try using
> *just* the official repositories for your release, update, dist-upgrade,
> then try installing hotplug again.
> - Matt
> --
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Ing. Roberto Pereyra
Buscas un buen servicio de telefonía IP, prueba

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