Xen 3.0.1 with Ubuntu Dapper in DOM0

Matthew Palmer mpalmer at hezmatt.org
Wed May 10 23:38:51 UTC 2006

On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 07:27:53AM -0300, Roberto Pereyra wrote:
> I get the following error message on the command line:
> Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Hotplug scripts not
> working.

Do you have the xen-backend udev rules installed?

> If I install hotplug
> apt-get install hotplug
> it breaks my server, apt-get desinstall many packages like udev, lvm
> packages, and many more.

Then something much larger than just Xen is broken.  I'm going to guess
that you're running some kind of inter-release hodge-podge.  Try using
*just* the official repositories for your release, update, dist-upgrade,
then try installing hotplug again.

- Matt

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