
Toby Kelsey toby_kelsey at
Tue May 9 17:37:05 UTC 2006

|^ `/ () () | ( (-) | wrote:
> On 5/9/06, *Toby Kelsey* <toby_kelsey at
> <mailto:toby_kelsey at>> wrote:
>     Ah, I thought it was looking at the time of day, not just the date,
>     and so would
>     slowly drift.  It is broken in the sense that it is advertised as a
>     replacement
>     for cron but doesn't actually stick to a given time of day or day of
>     month,
>     which to me violates expected behavour.  I'm just used to cron
>     semantics.
> What? rtfm

Yes, the man page is accurate.  But if I put a script in /etc/cron.monthly I
expect it to be run on the first of the month, or as specified in the crontab.
That's what I mean by "violating expected behaviour".

If it doesn't behave like cron, it shouldn't use cron data files.


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