problem starting mysql - mysqld.sock missing

Ben Edwards (lists) lists at
Mon May 8 11:42:23 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 21:28 +1000, Adam Conrad wrote:
> Ben Edwards (lists) wrote:
> > I have moved a dapper box and it has a new IP address (not sure if this
> > is relevant).  When I try to start mysql I get errors (c below).  There
> > is nothing in the /var/run/mysqld/ directory and mysqld.sock douse not
> > exist anywhere;(
> Have you fully upgraded, including upgrading your mysql-server to the
> dapper version?  The breezy version doesn't know to create
> /var/run/mysql on boot, so doesn't work on dapper, which wipes /var/run
> on boot (well, doesn't wipe it, but rather mounts it as a tmpfs)
> ... Adam

The box was installed with dapper a few months ago.  It is being kept up
to date but the problem seemed to happen when I changed the IP address.
I have hone an apt-get remove / install and this has not helped.  Dont
want to do a --purge as I want to keep the db.


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