Voice recognition software
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Sun May 7 04:12:52 UTC 2006
See also general "HOW TO"
Here is a full description with screen shots
Screen shots did not post here, can I E-mail them to you (or somewhere
at Ubuntu?)
Part 1. Preamble.
This is a hack to get Dragon Naturally Speaking (DNS) up and running
as fast as possible. DNS will perform voice recognition translating
your voice into text on Dragon pad within a wine desktop, but does
not interface directly with Linux native programs outside of the wine
desktop (cut-and-paste between the wine desktop and Linux native
programs works no problem [both ways]).
DNS will run and perform voice recognition, but not everything works.
At the end of this document I listed problems, work arounds, and
tips for making the most of Dragon on Linux (Wine).
Conventions: [~ = your home directory]
1. I placed all downloaded files into a folder ~/Wine
2. I used ~/.wine/c as the location of my fake windows c drive.
3. DNS= Dragon Naturally Speaking Version 7 (preferred or
4. IE= (Microsoft) Internet Explorer.
5. Tab completion- I indicate tab completion by using <tab>
File names are long
Lexicon to identify windows file locations with the Linux command line
is obscure (to me at least)
6. Commands typed at a terminal are in BOLD (italics too hard to
7. My editor of choice is nano. substitute vi (or other) if you do not
use nano.
Part 2. What you need to run Dragon:
1. Time 1-2 hours with reading and downloading.
This ain't hard, but it ain't no point and click either
2. Linux I have successfully installed and run DNS on Fedora core 5,
Zenwalk 2.4, and Ubuntu 6.06.
3. WINE. I used Wine 0.9.12-> This is the most recent version (as of
this writing)
Install as per your version of Linux
Apt-get, YAST, yum, synaptic, source, etc
Note: On Fedora core 5 I used pull down menu rather the the above
Add/Remove software -> search for wine > Install
4. IE 5.5 Download from:
Throughout this post IE=(Microsoft) Internet Explorer
Dragon needs IE
IE6 did not work
5. Sidenet installer 1.9.0 (sidenet-1.9.1 DID NOT WORK)
Download from: http://sidenet.ddo.jp/winetips/config.html
The downloads are at the very bottom of the page
download wine-config-sidenet-1.9.0.tgz
Unpack sidenet (I used archive manager, starts automatically after
double clicking on the
wine-config-sidenet-1.9.0.tgz file
Creates a new folder in ~/Wine -> wine-config-sidenet-1.9.1
6. Valid windows license -> riched20.dll REQUIRED
I used riched20.dll from WindowsXP
(Location C:\Windows\winnt\system32\riched20.dll)
7. Dragon Naturally Speaking v7 (I used the professional version, I
understand the preferred version also works).
I have tried to install DNS 8 -> NO LUCK ( I can not get the installer
to start)
8. alsa and alsa-oss (sound)
9. A mixer to configure your microphone. (I used kmixer).
10. There is some mention in previous posts about DCOM98. Idid not
need to download or install DCM98, ? Sidenet did it automatically.
Part 3 Install
1. Install Wine-> Should be done by now. If not see #3 above.
Add/Remove software -> search for wine > Install
*Ubuntu 6.06
Terminal (CLI)
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list -> enter password
add the following lines to the file:
# Wine source
deb http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt binary/
Save and exit (<Ctrl> X, answer yes)
Run synaptic -> Reload -> Search for wine -> install
Zenwalk terminal (CLI) [download wine-0.9.12-486-S10.2.tgz to ~/Wine
as above]
cd ~/Wine
su -> enter root password
installpkg wine-0.9.12-i486-S10.2.tgz
2. Configure wine. *DO NOT RUN (CONFIGURE) AS ROOT*
USE 1.9.0 (sidenet 1.9.1 DOES NOT WORK).
This is a script that will configure wine.
go to your new sidenet folder (In my case cd ~/Wine/sidne <tab>)
In a terminal (CLI) [NOT AS ROOT]
sidenet runs in the terminal (CLI) and asks 6 questions:
1. This script will install wine-config-sidenet.
Continue(y/n)?> Answer y
2. Please specify your language. If unsure, just hit enter and
english version will be installed.
Language code ? : <enter>
3. Install option (0-4)? : Enter 3 (Manual installation)
4. Install IE6 -> Answer n
5. Link ~/.font -> c:\windows\fonts (y/n)? -> Answer y
6. Virtual C drive path ? : -> Answer ~/.wine/c (or
Lots of output to terminal, no error messages
At the end of the script sidenet opened my browser to tell me the
installation was complete
3. Install IE 5.5. (Dragon did not work with IE6 and wine-0.9.12)
IE6 works fine with wine-0.9.12, *BUT DOES NOT ENABLE DNS*
Copy the IE5 program to the c drive
copy ie55sp2.exe from ~/Wine to ~/.wine/c (GUI or command line, your
Run installer ; command line again (Not as root)
This creates a new folder in c and unpacks or Inflates some cab
Now install IE5
change to the new IE5 directory
*cd IE<tab> *(cd IE\ 5.5\ SP2\ Full/) [watch the spaces if you do ot
use tab completion]
Now install IE (again in a terminal window [CLI]):
* wine IE5SETUP.EXE*
This installs IE5 (a well known virus) into the fake C drive
Accept agreement -> click Next radio button
Chose Install Minimal -> click Next radio button
Unselect Internet Explorer Help -> click Next radio button
Lots of output to terminal
Downloads and installs IE5.5
See message regarding DirectX Layer and DirectDrawEx not installed
does not seem to matter -> click Next radio button
You will next see a window to Restart computer -> click Finish
does not really restart the computer, just winedesktop
Lots of output to terminal, some apparent error messages
does not seem to matter
You will then get an error messages/complaints from IE, I ignored
this as it does not seem to matter
Click OK
Lots of output to the terminal here.
Ends in err messages, the last 3 lines of a long listing ends as
wine: could not load L"C:\\windows\\GRPCONV.EXE": Module not found
err:wineboot:runCmd Failed to run command L"grpconv.exe -o" (126)
err:wineboot:ProcessRunKeys Error running cmd #2 (126)
Hit <enter> and you will get the command prompt back:
:~/.wine/c/IE 5.5 SP2 Full$
4. Install Dragon
No problems here. I ignored all the output and error messages. Did not
seem to matter.
The trick is to use wine to install Dragon
Continue in a terminal (CLI)
*cd ~/.wine/dosdevices*
you need to mount and know the name of your Dragon CD
Fedora auto mounts my CD in /media
name of CD is : /media/ DNS_MED_7_0
Therefore type (in a terminal) [This makes a symbolic link]
ln -s /media/DNS_MED_7_0/ f:
ln -s /mnt/cdrom/ f:
* NOTE: Link to e: did not work* Link to e: seem OK , but it is
now install Dragon
Again in the terminal (CLI)
*wine f:setup
This starts the Dragon installer and installs Dragon. [this is where I
have a full set of screen shots
Accept license -> click next
Enter user name and serial number
Click Next
Click Next
Click Yes
I had no problems with the mouse and using the radio OK buttons
I did a typical install into the default directory.
Again, all the buttons worked for me and I used the keyboard only to
type the serial # and mouse to click OK
Got some output to the terminal, I ignored.
Install then seems to hang at 89% install -> -> Be Patient
A dialog appears to register Dragon
Choose print registration form option
Close the IE dialog that appears
This will fool DNS into thinking you have registered the product an
it will not ask you again
With all other options DNS will keep asking you to register.
I, of course, registered DNS years ago.
The next box to appear is; (sorry, screen shots did not post)
Uncheck the Enable QuickStart mode on Windows Startup box
Click Finish
Click OK in the Restart Windows box
Installation of Dragon is now complete
Part 4 Configure wine
1. Terminal (CLI) again
type winecfg
you get a gui to configure wine
Emulate windows 98
Click add application
Use mouse to and click on natspeak.exe
Click the Open box
Which then gives you this:
Not click the Libraries tab and configure some dll's:
Under the Libraries tab Add the following enteries:
* -> Click edit and change to builtin,native
Final Product looks like this
Click Apply -> Click OK -> This will exit winecfg
Audio tab: Use OSS for sound (NOT ALSA) (under the winecfg audio tab)
Audio tab crashes in Ubuntu, does not matter it was set as default by
OK in Fedora and Zenwalk (scree shot below from Fedora core 5)
NOTE: In winecfg, under the Graphics tab
1. Emulate a virtual desktop -> I changed my wine desktop to 1280 x
MY DEFAULT resolution is 1600 x 1200 !!!
Recommend a 800 x 600 if you default resolution is 1280 x 1024
This sets the SIZE of the wine desktop, not the resolution.
2. I uncheked the allow the windows manager to control the windows
Dragon seems to run significantly faster if this box is unchecked
Could be wrong, this one is obscure to me
Finish with a few commands in the terminal:
2. Terminal (CLI), add an empty file comdlg.dll in ystem 32
The comdlg32.dll workaround enables Dragon, but breaks some programs
in wine
Most notable, it may break winecfg !!!!!!!!!!!!
Just delete or rename comdlg and winecfg will again work, Dragon will
Repeat re-name/touch.... comdlg32.dll-> enables Dragon, disables
winecofg, you get the idea
I don't know (don't care) what else is broken (in wine), the only
windows program I run is Dragon
3. *Copy riched20.dll to ~/.wine/c/windows/system32*
windows dll location: C:\Windows\winnt\system32\riched20.dll
I used windows XP dll's, no problem
copy riched20.dll to: ~/.wine/c/windows/system32
Step 5 Configure microphone
1. Dragon CAN NOT adjust the microphone (volume) settings.
2. alsamixer did not work for me
It showed my microphone, but I could not configure the microphone
You can read man alasmixer if you want, it did not help me much
3. *Go to this website:
Thank you Skype.
I used Kmix
Command line again
kmix &
Enable BOTH the capture and microphone
See pictures on Skype website
See this picture from my desktop
Note which red/green lights are activated and slider (volume)
Command line
Use <tab> to move between Playback, Capture, and All
Use arrow keys to move between various channels
Go to Capture (may not appear on the first screen, just use arrows
to move over)
Use arrow up or a number to set level
<Esc> key to exit
Screen shot alsamixer: Note the volume on CAPTURE and AC97 !!!
Kmix INPUT tab: Note settings for Mic, Capture, and AC97
Kmix Output tab: Note settings for Mic and AC97
Run Dragon
1. Command line again
2. The desktop icon does not work YET
After Dragon is configured it will work
wine ~/.wine/c/programfiles/scansoft/.... whatever. I use tab
wine ~/.wine/c/P<tab>
wine ~/.wine/c/Program\ Files/S<tab>
you get the idea????
Final destination: wine ~/.wine/c/Program\
3. This will bring you into the (audio) setup wizard followed by
general training.
I had mucho problems here. If your microphone is not configured -> no
audio input -> setup fails
If you have this problem, go back to kmix and skype website and try
Or try a different mixer
Adjust microphone, click Next
Read text
Click Next to enter General Training
Complete General training (no screen shots)
4. Once the microphone is working general training begins.
5. I had no problems with the mouse or radio (OK) buttons through
general training.
See other posts for potential problems and fixes (if any)
Something about the Ctr or Alt key and letters?
6. This would be a good time to BACKUP ~/.wine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Use Dragon
Last observations:
1. This is a hack, at best; Do not get fancy.
2. Dictate to dragonpad and be careful when changing the font (my
default was arial) as not all fonts seem to work
If they do not text is invisible in Dragon pad
Cursor moves with voice recognition -> no text
3. Tried notepad Mixed results at best. Advise you stay with Dragon
4. I changed to my preferred font in Dragonpad (Times New Roman; copied
from Windows) worked without problems.
5. Hot keys did not work, nor did the voice commands go to sleep or
wake up.
6. Use mouse to click the microphone (on dragon bar) or (if they work
for you) voice commands (go t sleep ; wake up) to turn microphone
off and on.
7. Speed was good in fact for an old computer at least as fast as
native to windows.
8. If the program crashes or freezes, use in a terminal (CLI)
wineserver -k and restart Dragon.
9. If Dragon crashes hard it may take out your sound settings and you
will need to re-set them with alasmixer or kmix.
10. If Dragon crashes real hard it may take out your X server- > you
will need to debug or reboot (I reboot).
11. Did I mention; BACKUP your ~/.wine folder !?!
Save you work often (in case of crash)
Once done with dictation you may:
Cut and paste to Linux (Abiword, OpenOffice, KOffice, etc)
Save the file and open it with any Linux native editor
Once in a standard Linux work processor, change font, format, etc
Once Dragon is installed and configured
did I mention; BACKUP your ~/.wine folder
You can now use the Dragon shortcut on your desktop to start Dragon
or the command line
12. Save your work often. I keep the mouse over the save box on the
dragon pad menu and click it from time to time or when attempting
anything fancy (tweak).
13. Create a separate user for each task (intended use) of dragon. For
example, I use Dragon professionally (in case you have not guessed). I
have a user in Dragon for professional dictation, and a second for
personal use (E-mail, general non-professional dictation). I have the
most problems with general (personal) dictation. Dragon puts
professional terminology into general dictation (accuracy is poor). If
I train Dragon to do both tasks (professional and personal) accuracy
deteriorates fast. If I use two separate users, accuracy remains high
for each task (professional vs. general dictation).
14. Training: The Dragon recognition engine used fuzzy logic and,
with continued training, accuracy first improves, then deteriorates.
best method to optimize accuracy:
I never found analyzing documents was not all that helpful.
Train/dictate for 30-40 hours, then run the acoustic optimizer
That's it. From then on, do not save your speech files when you
Do not save your speech files if you dictated with a cold or cough
Instead, to train or maintain you vocabulary list, open a session with
add or train any new (or old) words
save the speech files session
run acoustic optimizer only if needed
Continued training (after 30-40 hours) does not seem to improve
accuracy, in fact I think it lowers over time with
(continued training and saving of speech files the dragon engine
over learns). This is due to fuzzy logic
and over training within such a system.
15. Crash:
When dragon crashes, it crashes hard. It may take out alsa (sound). It
may take out X server.
Solution (if x server crashes):
At login prompt-> root, enter root password -> shutdown -r now (reboots
For me Dragon crashes with the spelling tool spell that, wither as a
voice command or as an option from the correction
dialog (correct that -> choose spell -> crash)
16. Error messages:
I keep getting a repetitive COM returned an unexpected error code:
Details are c0000005
Click the radio "OK" button -> It's like the energizer bunny, it keeps
I ignore it altogether, move the dragon pad window over (on top of)
the error window -> problem solved (hidden)
Out of sight..... Out of mind
Just click on the Dragon pad window and it will become the active
window covering the error message.
If I move the Dragon pad window a little more to the right I will no
longer ever see the error message.
17. Voice commands:
Correct that works (increase list to 9 in options), but spelling
dialog crashes the program.
Either spell that or using the spell option form the corrections
list -> crash (see No. 1 above)
If none of the 9 choices in the correction list are correct, choose
unselect that as other options tend to freeze or crash Dragon
18. Use the Words tab on Dragon menu to train words/phrases
When training-> the words do not appear in the dialog box, but it
seems to work OK
19. Import Fonts
Copy Font from Windows to ~/.fonts or ~/.wine/c/fonts (same thin,
sidenet created a link, see install sidenet above)
To some extent this can fix the problem of Invisible text in some (not
all) message boxes
Works in word training box whis is most important.
I have now told you more then I know!!
Beam my up Scotty, there is no intelligent life here
Personal notes:
Could not import dragon 8 vocabulary into DNS 7, incompatible
vocabulary between DNS 7 & 8
As above, I could not install or update to DNS 8
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