Voice recognition software
email.listen at googlemail.com
email.listen at googlemail.com
Thu May 4 01:47:23 UTC 2006
Am Wed, 12. April 2006 20:46 schrieb da5id:
> I have been using speech recognition for windows for many years. Right
> now the only product on the market that works is Dragon
> NaturallySpeaking -- DNS. Some new stuff is on the horizon, for
> Windows, and the best place to keep up with it is in the forums at
> Knowbrainer.com. Does DNS work in Windows? Absolutely and
> unequivocally yes. The text input that you see here in this post was
> input by DNS Pro 8. And the much cheaper "Preferred" is fine unless
> you need it eight hours a day in a business setting. Keep in mind that
> speech recognition is only as good as your microphone. If you have the
> money the Plantronics CS 50-USB wireless headset is the Cadillac of
> speech recognition input microphones. When you find a microphone that
> you like, particularly something pricey like the Sennheiser EC3, do
> not buy it from any of the speech recognition vendors. You can get for
> half the price on Amazon.
> What I would like to know with what happened to IBM ViaVoice. The last
> I heard was that IBM ported it to Linux and was working with the
> open-source community to work out the bugs. IBM sunk a lot of money
> into speech recognition only to end up as an also-ran. But still, it
> would be better than nothing for Linux. -- Gene
I had an interesting discussion with a developer of a speech recognition tool
for Windows (Sorry forgot his name) at Systems Fair Munich 2004.
What was interesting in my eyes was his statement that he would like to
develop such a tool for GNU/Linux but wasn't able to find someone who would
pay for this.
He told me that there is a very performant department at the university of
Kaliningrad, Russia, which is one of the leading groups in this field. As far
as he told me a lot of what became ViaVoice and others is based on the
development which has been done in Kaliningrad.
May be it it's time to dig for this people again and give it a try to find a
sponsor for such a project.
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