one thing i find anoying is
brendontoogood at
Wed May 3 06:58:21 UTC 2006
On Wed, 03 May 2006 14:38:23 +0800, you wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-03-05 at 17:50 +1200, Brendon wrote:
>> that the open source market is becoming so popular and so wide spread these
>> days, that it makes me think why some the major players in the compter
>> idustry, and some of the major isps are not supporting os's like linux.
> First, it's not as popular on the desktop as its advocates seem to
> think. And nor will it ever be while it is still so difficult to
> configure for all but a small subset of available hardware. Now it's
> improved drastically on that front since my first exposure to it (to the
> point that Ubuntu has replaced XP on my system despite its failings --
> but not to the point that my wife uses it), but it is still not ready
> for mass market.
> Second, whenever I hear the phrase "supporting Linux" brought up I wince
> inwardly. Why? Because I've been on the receiving end of that request
> and the first question that invariably comes to mind is: "Which Linux?"
> There is a bewildering array of kernel versions, functionality patches,
> kernel patches, libc versions, gcc versions, etc. which all interfere
> with supporting Linux. Hell, even the location of important system
> files can change from distro to distro (and I know of at least one that
> generates the system files from XML descriptions of them!). No company
> that is sane is going to support Linux while there are literally
> hundreds of different possibilities to support. Want Linux to stop
> being a pariah in commercial support circles? Standardise. (This could
> start with Linus promising an ABI freeze on core components.)
>> i have had the problem when ringing up a help desk and been asked , what
>> operating system are you using and get the reply "im sorry we don't support
>> linux only microsoft and mac" which in some way has been confussed as the
>> mac is, is sort of linux based.
true i agree with wot you say as to speak, but what i am trying to get at
is that the more people that we bring over to linux the better. It is just
that i am a strong advocate of the open source movement.
and would like to see it improve and liuz becoming even more popular.
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