Repeatable kernel panic

stan stanb at
Fri Mar 31 12:19:23 UTC 2006

On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 10:23:55PM -0500, Darryl Clarke wrote:
> On 30/03/06, stan <stanb at> wrote:
> >
> > I've installed ubuntu 5.10 (64 bit X86 version) on a Sun Ultra 40.
> > In this machine I have a Symbios LVD SCSI card. I have an HP DLT80
> > tape drive connected to this card.
> >
> > Doing "dd if=/dev/nst1 bs=32k skip=1" Will reliably panic the machine
> > I have the AMD SMP kernel installed, but this does not seem to be
> > kernel specific, as I built a 2.6.16 kernel with the sources from
> >, and I can still reproduce this panic.
> >
> > What should I do to properly report this?
> Since you've tested on a kernel outside of ubuntu's realm, I'd suggest
> reporting it directly to the kernel guys.
> If I had to guess, I'd throw it in the category IO/Storage -> SCSI

I was really asking for information as to how to best capture useful
data for the bug report.

Does Linux generate crash dumps for instance? Is there a way to set
up so that when the panic occurs, the mesages that are sent to the
console get logged? etc.

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