ubuntu burn-in for new computer?

Robert Entner ubuntu at mail1.entner.net
Tue Mar 28 15:05:46 UTC 2006

On 3/28/06, taeb <taeb at netins.net> wrote:
> I've been using ubuntu for a while onan old Mac, but decided I had to
> have an Intel machine for it.  My wife and I assembled one this past
> Sunday, and I installed Breezy and Dapper-flt5 on it with virtually no
> problems.  Runs like a charm, and everything seems to have been found
> right off the bat.
> Now I would like to do a burn-in by running it pretty hard for an
> extended time.  Is there a package that does this, or does one just
> compile everything in sight?
> Thanks for any suggestions.

I would also need something like this.  Just for checking if the PC is
stable at heavy load for a long time (several days).


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