Dapper upgrade with resolvconf not working on startup

Adam Done adam at donestudios.com
Mon Mar 27 20:39:28 UTC 2006

Derek Broughton wrote:

>Adam Done wrote:
>>After my testing I have concluded the issues lies with my resolvconf
>>script which is not getting setup properly on boot to accept a network
>Once upon a time, I found resolvconf to be absolutely necessary for a laptop
>used in numerous locations.  For at least a year now, I've only found it to
>interfere with things.  I'd try removing resolvconf, first - if all your
>interfaces are enabled with dhcp, there shouldn't be anything you need in

I bounce from the office to home using static ip and nameservers and if
I am out from those two networks I am using DHCP (seldom right now).  So
if I would remove resolvconf and I started my laptop from the office on
a static network the network startup scripts will do what resolvconf
used to do, update my resolv.conf file with the proper nameserver info?  


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