How to promote Ubuntu Dapper?

Ali Milis almilis at
Tue Mar 28 06:25:10 UTC 2006

First of all, I hope that my English is good enough so that
this email is not misunderstood. I have no intention to nag
anyone. I myself am a happy kubuntu user, and I have *NO*
intention to migrate to another distribution.

However, I have difficulties to explain/to promote UBUNTU
to colleagues and others. Is there any Ubuntu Evangelist that
can share his/her experience to promote UBUNTU to "lay-people".
There are at least two points where I do not a good answer:

1. Why Ubuntu does not use an anaconda like installer?
2. Why wait for Dapper, when FC5 is available today?


Raja Ali M.I. Ilias, Bengkalis,
Counted GNU/Linux Engineer # 405138 -

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