Online calendar software

Todd Slater dontodd at
Mon Mar 27 18:50:26 UTC 2006

On 3/27/06, Sean Hammond <sean.hammond at> wrote:
> I currently use the GNOME/Evolution calendar to record all my events.
> But sometimes I'm not working on my normal computer, and I still want
> to access my calendar.
> Is there any easy way to 'publish' an evolution calendar so I can
> access it from anywhere?
> Or does anyone know of some good FLOSS online calendar software?
> I have a web account, so I can upload files and install web software on it.

I got tired of trying to figure this out, so I just went web-based
with It is the best calendar EVAR.

I set up a system for a buddy that uses iCal. Basically he publishes
his calendars to my server over webDAV, and they are serverd by php


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