Can't run X on new nVidia card and computer

Dave M G martin at
Wed Mar 22 12:25:52 UTC 2006

Ubuntu Users,

I have just bought a brand new computer, a dual core Pentium with a dual 
DVI graphics card that has an nVidia Geforce 7600 GT chip on it. I also 
got two monitors to go with it.

My intention is to run this computer entirely with Ubuntu, at least for now.

I downloaded the install DVD for version 5.10 on my old computer, burned 
the disc, and installed on the new computer. The install went without 

But, when Ubuntu ran for the first time, it would not load the GUI. It 
tried refreshing the screen a few times, and then said there was an 
error in the Xorg setup.

I'm now stuck on two points:

One, I'm not sure how to edit or do anything about my xorg.conf file, 
if, indeed, that is the problem.

Two, although I got the latest Linux drivers from the nvidia web site, I 
don't know how to get them on my new computer. If I put them on an SD 
card (the new computer has an internal SD reader), or on a CD rom, when 
I insert them, I can't find any reference to them in the /media/ 
directory. Do I have to mount them or something? If so, how?

I'm a little lost here. Any help would be much appreciated.

Dave M G

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