Need libs!
C Hamel
yogich at
Sun Mar 19 01:11:41 UTC 2006
Hash: SHA1
On Saturday 18 March 2006 16:33, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> >
> > Many thanks to all who posted! :-) I realize that the period in
> > the filename must not be there. Hm. Wonder if I was being *too*
> > literal w/the filename.
> Yes :-)
> This is the never ending problem with package management that will
> occur on any reasonably complex OS. If you used Synaptic to install
> RealPlayer then it of course knows that the player depends on
> libstdc++ and will do the right thing.
Since the Realplayer that Adept pointed to was not available, I had to take
other measures (I'm on Flight5 as of this morning).
> If you downloaded the program from a web site somewhere, you don't
> have Synaptic to help you out, so this kind of thing happens. In the
> Windows world the problem is even worse so every downloadable program
> gets every possible library bundled in, including things that have to
> be present for Windows to work at all. It makes the user's problem go
> away but makes maintenance a nightmare, causes endless grief for
> developers and there's 3x as much data on the disk as needs to be
> there. In the linux world we assume that a) there's a package manager
> around to sort out the details, and b) the user is the opposite of a
> total idiot and does know what is present on the system. a) is not
> always true and while b) is generally true we all slip up sometimes -
> like I did today, thrice :-(
Letter 'a' was not the case, for RP10; letter 'b' may or may not be true. ;-)
It depends upon whether or not I've had my afternoon espresso, as well as how
long ago if I've already had it.
> > Speaking of build-essentials, I am having a prob getting that done.
> > Apt-get says it 'can't find pawhackage build-essentials' and adept
> > says it doesn't exist. Thought I had all the repos in the
> > sources.list. Wonder if I missed one...? Adept gives me a little
> > more, so that must be it. Pay-dirt! I only wish that there was a
> > 'selection' one could make that would get the whole enchilada at
> > one whack.
> The package name is build-essential (no trailing s). It's in main.
> My fault, I stopped trying to remember exact names of things over a
> decade ago. Instead I use google, locate, find, grep and cut...
Thanks, a bunch, for clearing that up. ;-)
> --
> Alan McKinnon
> alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
> +27 82, double three seven, one nine three five
- --
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