Grub Not Running When 3 Partitions (Breezy)

Kent Borg kentborg at
Tue Mar 14 15:34:16 UTC 2006

On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 12:26:10AM +0000, Tristan Wibberley wrote:
> You may have a BIOS that attempts to ensure you have either DOS or 
> Windows installed. Assuming this disk has an MS-DOS partition table, you 
> need to mark exactly one of them active so the BIOS thinks you've got 
> DOS or Windows installed on it.

That seems to be it; I used fdisk to mark /dev/sda1 as "bootable" and
it boots!  (Heck, it was rather recently that I concluded "bootable"
didn't mean anything.)

Next question: How do I get my ks.cfg to convince Kickstart to set
this bit?  (Or do I have to figure out how to do it in my postinstall

Thanks to all!


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