Determining which component a package came from

John DeCarlo johndecarlo at
Thu Mar 9 20:34:11 UTC 2006

On 3/9/06, Jason OConnell <jloconne at> wrote:
> How can you tell if a package came from 'main', 'restricted', 'universe',
> or 'multiverse' , or better yet, show me all packages that came from that
> paticular component?


I eagerly await a comprehensive answer.

In the meantime, here is what I know:

apt-cache show <package-name> will return lots of information.  One line
begins with Section: and will have a value like universe/games or possibly
just admin.  If it says universe/ or restricted/ or multiverse/, that gives
you a clue.  If it says nothing but a category like games, it is most likely

synaptic gives you the same information, formatted differently, if you look
at the Properties of an individual package.

I got confused the other day because something appeared to be in main using
this method.  But it was really in main in a different repository.

apt-cache showpkg <pkg> also gives information.

For instance, I use a different repository for wine to get a newer version,
so apt-cache showpkg wine gives me (in part):

$ apt-cache showpkg wine
Package: wine

The Versions: section shows I got 0.9.9 from

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own
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