PCMCIA mem card won't mount...

Charles E "Rick" Taylor IV rick at rickandpatty.com
Thu Mar 9 19:02:38 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 09:57 -0600, C Hamel wrote:

> Perhaps... I put in the 'fix' and will see if anything changes.  What I did 
> not mention is that the mem card is always in the notebook.  I never remove 
> it.  All my financial stuff is on it in the event of a major crash.  That, 
> since I (1)procured a larger card for the camera.  ( I then procured a better 
> camera w/a different card. ;-) )

I mentioned it because I had the same symptoms with a PCMCIA flashdisk
card that I use for quick file exchanges between laptops.  I'd put in
the card, an icon would appear on the desktop, and opening that icon
would give a blank Nautilus window (because hal had "helpfully"
unmounted the card).  In addition, hal would sometimes (and sometimes
not, which was strange) unmount the card even if I manually mounted it
from the command line - making it a royal pain to try to access/copy

I've been meaning to check out a recent Dapper live CD to see if the
problem was still there, but I've not had time to download/burn one.

*  Charles E. "Rick" Taylor, IV <rick at rickandpatty.com>
*  Web: http://www.rickandpatty.com
* Blog: http://shrimpandgrits.rickandpatty.com

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