PCMCIA mem card won't mount...

Charles E "Rick" Taylor IV rick at rickandpatty.com
Thu Mar 9 15:29:56 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 08:59 -0600, C Hamel wrote:
> ...that is, until I hit the icon a 2nd time.  THEN, it mounts.  The first time 
> I hit the icon the file mgr comes up EMPTY.  The 2nd time, it shows the 
> files. <LOL>  I'm currently on Breezy Badger but the Flight4 Dapper Drake 
> does the exact same thing.  I'm finally curious enough to ask why.  No other 
> distro has done this, and I've used many.  This isn't major, but it's highly 
> frustrating, sometimes. ;-)

Maybe you're having this problem?


(scroll down to "Making it work right")

*  Charles E. "Rick" Taylor, IV <rick at rickandpatty.com>
*  Web: http://www.rickandpatty.com
* Blog: http://shrimpandgrits.rickandpatty.com

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