ubuntu in an IBM x40 thinkpad, and a docking station

Jaime Davila jdavila at hampshire.edu
Wed Mar 8 17:53:32 UTC 2006

Hello all,

I'm seeing a couple of issues with an x40 laptop where I've just 
installed Ubuntu. Before I start attaching dmesg outputs, I wanted to 
know if the following is even supposed to work.

If I boot up with the laptop on its docking base, the cd-rom gets 
detected, and it works fine. No major surprise there.

Now, If I boot up with the laptop outside the base, and then put it into 
the base, the cd drive isn't detected. Trying to mount it just gives a 
message about /dev/hdc not being there.

Should "hotpluging" into the base like that work?

I have another issue with this laptop, having to do with going into 
sleep move (by pressing fn-f4). If I put the machine to sleep and then 
wake it up inside the base, it fails to come back, giving an error of 
"lost hdc interrupt." Has anyone seen that before? In many places I've 
read that sleeping in the base should work, and the laptop certainly 
sleeps and wakes up OK if I do it outside the base.




Jaime J. Davila
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Hampshire College
School of Cognitive Science
jdavila at hampshire dot edu

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