HP Laserjet 1100, extremely slow printing...

Andrea Giuliano a.giuliano at iccu.sbn.it
Tue Mar 7 11:47:40 UTC 2006

I didn't think about printer memory, but it could be the right point to 
investigate. Yet, the high CPU activity before every single page seems 
to lead somewhere else: more precisely, ghostscript could be the 
bottleneck, but why?

Many thanks anyway.

squareyes wrote:
> Andrea Giuliano wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I own this nice printer, and it works quite well, as long as printing 
>> speed is not a problem. I seldom am in hurry, but I think 15 minutes 
>> to print 26 pages from OpenOffice 2.0 is a very long time indeed. I 
>> measured almost the same timings for every kind of print job, even 
>> simple ASCII text files.
>> Could I configure the printer in the wrong way?
>> Please note that I simply added the printer with the 
>> "System/Administration/Printing" tool, and I selected the recommended 
>> driver.
>> Also, the actual printing is rather fast: just a few seconds from the 
>> moment the printer "hums" and the moment that the page is out. Most of 
>> the time the printer is silently waiting for something to print, while 
>> the CPU is working very hard.
>> Finally, it could be of help the fact that my PC is a P4 with a 2.4GHz 
>> clock, 256Mb of RAM, and plenty of disc space.
>> Best regards.
> HI Andrea,
> have the same printer and it's also slow to start printing.
> I am going to investigate whether the memory in the printer can be 
> increased.
> The printing whenit finally starts is fast.
> Hope this may help.
> Take Care
> Winton

Andrea Giuliano, Ph. D.
ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico
Viale Castro Pretorio 105, Rome - ITALY
Tel. +39 06 49210403, Fax +39 06 4959302

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