GNOME Sensors 1.6 in Dapper?

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Sun Mar 5 22:50:52 UTC 2006


I just struggled through (phew...) the installation of lm-sensors into
Dapper and then installed GNOME Sensors Applet to get a nice view into
the health status of my hardware. I noticed that the version of GNOME
Sensors Applet in Dapper repositories is not quite the latest one (1.5.2
instead of 1.6) and because of that I didn't get the pretty icons of 1.6
into the panel.

Has anyone happened to install version 1.6 of Sensors Applet into Dapper
and does it work without problems? Does the installation break the
system some how (like dependencies)? How did you install it?

Thanks for any advice :-)


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