adding/copying just one file into my pocketp

Olafur Arason olafra at
Wed Mar 1 20:18:23 UTC 2006

If you have a usb from the device then it should work by plugin it in.
If your prejudice of sync is based on windows then you don't have to
worry about multisync because it requires that you run the program to
sync and is much more manual than on windows so it's less irritating.
Also mounting to is basically just syncing just an other way to think
about it, the only feature that syncing has is you can define what
you want to transfer regularly.

Olafur Arason

On 3/1/06, A May Zing <ubunt2 at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to use my PocketPC pda to play some of my mp3 files. Is there a
> quick way to copy a file or two  into my PocketPC from my ubuntu computer?
> NOTE: I do NOT need to sync my data. I just want to add one mp3 file to my
> PocketPC.
> 2nd NOTE: I don't have any memory card reader, nor do I have a memory card.
> I would like to sync to the main RAM memory of my pocketpc pda.
> thank you.
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