Upgrading to Edgy Eft

Doug Rintoul doug_rintoul at sil.org
Fri Jun 30 19:25:12 UTC 2006

Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Disadvantages of web forums:
> - It's only accessible via web, not via e-mail.
> - Posts can be modified and even removed later on.
> - If the host is gone, so are all the posts - not so with mail archives
These are good reasons. However the second and third points are probably
not as critical for an edgy list where most messages would be of the
form of "a recent update broke my system...how do I fix it?" or "I think
Edgy should have support for my hand crank wireless modem". Little of
that would be relevant two years down the road. However the most
compelling reason for me to use a mailing list is the one mentioned by
Ylan, ie ability to use the client of choice to read and manage the
messages and the flexability that allows.


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