Kernel Compilation Woes [was Re: iPod Isssues]

Ylan Segal ylan.segal at
Fri Jun 30 12:44:58 UTC 2006

Brian McKee wrote:
> Keep us posted on your findings.

Last night I tested the following:

- Custom Compiled Kernel with EFI support disabled (and everything else
exactly configured as the Dapper 2.6.25 kernel).
- iPod plugged in directly into my laptop port. (Sony Vaio PEG-V505EXP).


Same old, same old: The iPod auto mounts correctly into /media/ipod, but
when trying to copy files from the ipod, within a few seconds, the iPod
hangs. "Buffer I/O errors" are written to the system log.

I have tried everything I could think off and all the fixes that I found
around the Internet (mostly not to use a hub when connecting and to use
a kernel without EFI support) to no avail.

Suggestions on how to proceed? This whole thing is getting frustrating,
especially since there are so many people out there that report "I just
plugged it in and it worked". Bah.

Ylan, in need of a nudge in the right direction.

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