Upgrading to Edgy Eft

Doug Rintoul doug_rintoul at sil.org
Thu Jun 29 23:30:39 UTC 2006

Mario Vukelic wrote:
>> There is actually an edgy development forum available at
>> http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=144. 
> Thanks, I hope people running edgy read it :)
>> Is there a preference
>> for a mailing list over a forum?
> To whom is the question directed? I personally would very much prefer a
> mailing list, but why not both.
This is mainly addressed to those who would like to see a new mailing
list set up to address edgy users' needs. If the forum addresses those
needs then there is no reason to have a new mailing list. But if there
is some reason that people cannot use the forum, or much prefer a
mailing list, then a new mailing list makes sense. Personally, I would
like to see one or the other but not both unless the mailing list and
the forum are somehow linked. If I am looking for a solution to an edgy
problem, I would much rather post in and monitor one place than two
places. My personal preference is also a mailing list, but since the
forum is up and running, I can live with that.


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