SATA 500GB drives seagate ST3500630AS

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at
Thu Jun 29 05:17:29 UTC 2006

>From what a friend told me the linux kernel doesn't support dual SATA
RAID. Not sure if it's true or not though, don't believe everything you

On Tue, 2006-06-27 at 15:22 -0500, Craig Jackson wrote:

> Hi,
> The Ubuntu Breezy Badger installation does not see disks to partition.
> The drives are SATA 500GB seagate. The system is AMD64 on an Asus MB.
> One is plugged in to SATA1 and the other in SATA4 on the MB. The BIOS
> sees the disks as IDE 3 Master and IDE 4 Master.
> Can someone give me a hand?
> Thanks. 
> Craig
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