Gnome panel layout switcher

Jaime Davila jdavila at
Tue Jun 27 21:42:24 UTC 2006

Peter Moberg wrote:
> Hi!
> I've created an small application that allows users to easily change 
> their panel layout in Gnome:
> Check it out and tell me what you think :)
> Best Regards
> Peter Moberg

I like the idea. Here are some comments.

Great to hear about ubuntu participating on Google's summer of code.

I would love to see this application being able to have different 
layouts on different desktops. That way I can have a panel that has only 
  icons for programming related applications on one desktop, Internet 
clients in another, etc.

I prefer GUI # 1.




Jaime J. Davila
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Hampshire College
School of Cognitive Science
jdavila at hampshire dot edu

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