Oh please ...

Cameron Hutchison camh at xdna.net
Tue Jun 27 06:57:10 UTC 2006

JD wrote:

>to anybody who maintains this mailing list ... please attach an 
>automatic unique prefix to the subject; that way we can easily organize 
>any mail that come from this server to a specific folder in my email 
>client. But without such a prefix like '[slackware-mail]' or ''[gentoo]' 
>then all those mails from this servers will get ^%$^&*-ed together with 
>my other mails.

I already easily organise my email into separate folders based on mailing
list - you can do the same too. It a prefix was added to the subject, for
me it would be redundant and just waste limited space on the subject line.

Instead of trying to bend the world to your will, look to change yourself.
You're much more likely to succeed. If you tell us what email client you
use, I'm sure there's many people here who would help you set it up.

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