apt-get problems (still)

squareyes squareyes at internode.on.net
Fri Jun 23 14:05:07 UTC 2006

 have tried various repositories, commented out source lines
to shorten time taken to update apt-get, same problem.
Takes 25-35 minutes on dial up to finally have the "Error reading from
server. remote end closed connection" etc. Can only do a few at a time ,
can't tie my phone line up too long. Seems to be having problems with
"universe" and "main" with all mirrors.
Drops out with them all the time. I don't lose my connection to ISP. 
Would I likely have more joy with ftp? 
Maybe my modem is going out to lunch, will try a new one sometime next
week, none here I can borrow, failing that looks like going back to
Breezy, no problems with sources list there :-)

Thanks for the help
Take Care

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