Playing a DVD

Jean Hollis Weber jean-ooo at
Thu Jun 22 03:12:13 UTC 2006

Hi, here I am again, with another stupid question. :-)

I'm trying to play a DVD. When I insert it, the Totem Movie
Player comes up and starts playing the sound, but it shows only a
black screen. Also it loops on what I guess is the first track of
sound (music), which runs for about 60 seconds and then repeats.
It's possible that the first 60 sec of the DVD is black, with
music, and then goes into the opening scene. I have played this
DVD before, but I don't remember that level of detail.

So then I tried a different DVD. It gave me about 10 seconds of
sound and stopped completely.

Suggestions for getting DVDs to play properly would be gratefully

Cheers, Jean

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