Webcam support under Ubuntu Dapper

Dave M G martin at
Thu Jun 22 02:17:20 UTC 2006


Thank you for responding.
> Check this page
> The spca5xx driver is already included in Ubuntu Dapper :-) But I 
> don't know which release.
> Check to see if your cam is 
> supported by spca5xx. If so, it should work out of the box. Just plug 
> in the cam and use it. There is also spcaview available to test 
> webcam, but you have to compile it (it is not in the repositories of 
> Ubuntu:-( ). 

I *think* my camera is supported. I don't have the box, but I think it's 
either a Logitech QuickCam Messenger.

However, it doesn't seem to work right away, or at least I can't find 
any applications that would use it.

To be more accurate, I see on the web page you provided above that there 
are some programs that work with the spca5 driver. But since they 
involve compiling source code, which, to be honest, I hate doing, I 
thought I'd try and find something in the repositories. I can't really 
find anything, though.

Is there nothing that is included with Ubuntu that uses web cams?

Dave M G

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