Logging in as root

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Wed Jun 21 11:42:00 UTC 2006

Chanchao wrote:
> Or if you want to run a graphical program as root, (for example your 
> file manager Nautilus) then use 'gksudo'. e.g.
>  gksudo nautilus

No need. "sudo nautilus" will work perfectly. There is no such thing as 
"sudo for commands and gksudo for GUI programs". Sudo and gksudo are 
equivalent, the only difference being where you type the password. With 
sudo you type on your terminal and with gksudo you type on a dialog.

I don't recommend running Nautilus as root because it doesn't give any 
indication that it is being ran as root. If Nautilus did something 
evident, like use a bright red background with the word "DANGER" when it 
is ran as root then I wouldn't have an issue.

>> I don't wish to be rude, but I have to say this: I will not help you 
>> login to the GUI as root. 
> I think you can just enable this in the Login Screen administration panel?

Nope, that won't do it, and I won't tell you how to do it :)

>> I love helping new users, but I cannot bring myself to help someone do 
>> something harmful
>> to themselves and to the larger internet community.
> Now now... it's not like he's attempting genocide or anything... :))

If people start using Linux as root that will affect not just them but 
also me and everyone else because it'll invite viruses and crackers 
which then spread to people and even if they don't reach *my* computer 
I'll still have to deal with the spam coming from them when they're 
turned into botnets. 80% of spam is sent by botnets. Replace Windows by 
  a secure OS and you'll remove 80% of spam.

   "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the
   unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself.
   Therefore all progress depends on unreasonable men."
         -- George Bernard Shaw

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