Long $ prompt - A working (short) solution

Erik Christiansen erik at dd.nec.com.au
Wed Jun 21 02:43:29 UTC 2006

On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 11:26:17AM -0700, Gary W. Swearingen wrote:
> PS1="$(date | awk 'BEGIN { "id -un" | getline; name = $1; "pwd" | getline;
> #  pwd = $1} {print "## " $4 " ## " name " @ " pwd " ## " $1 " " $3 "
> " $2 " " $6 " " $5 "\n$ "}')"
> My (two-line) prompt typically looks something like this:
> ## user1 ## 11:34:20 ## /etc/X11/xkb/symbols ## Sun Jun 18 ##

Gary, you've prompted me to spend a minute to bang thick rust off last
century's gleaming awk skills, to hack:

PS1="$(pwd | awk -v FS='/' '{print "+/" $(NF-1) "/" $NF ": "}')"

This produces a slightly (to my eye) enhanced version of the prompt that
OOzy requested:

+/sli_16/src: pwd                   # The prompt is cwd and its parent.

The "+" is better than ".." for obvious reasons, and shorter than "..."
There's a space following ":"

OOzy, I'm sure that you'll be able to edit out any parts of the new
prompt which you consider a waste of space. :-)

Happy hacking,


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