Top-posting [Was: Installing with apt-get]

Troy Piggins troy at
Tue Jun 20 23:32:38 UTC 2006

* Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at> :
> On 20/06/06, Matthew Nicholson <sjoeboo at> wrote:
> >thunderbird is just that, only referred to by another package. in this
> >case, its 'mozilla-thunderbird' your looking for.
> >
> >sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird
> >
> >give that a try.
> >
> >and you can search via commmand line with
> >
> >apt-cache search "search string"
> Thanks, I was using apt-get search instead of apt-cache search. Now I know.
> Side note, is it proper to top-post on this list? On other mailing
> lists that I subscribe to they would kill a top-poster, but I see it
> happen on this list quite a bit. Any opinions on the subject are
> appreciated. Thanks.

I think some of the posts here are made via a web forum front-end at  It can make it pretty hard to follow some
threads, since there is little or no quoting etc.

I certainly prefer bottom-posting, whether it's posted via email or
forum.  I can't be alone in that.

Troy Piggins
  ,-o   Ubuntu v6.06 (Dapper Drake): kernel 2.6.15-23-server, 
 o   )  postfix 2.2.10, procmail 3.22, mutt 1.5.11i,
  `-o   slrn (score_color patch), vim 7.0

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