how many people have actually replaced Windows with, Ubuntu Linux

Shay Stephens ulist at
Tue Jun 20 18:53:15 UTC 2006

My transformation is slow but sure.  I have three computers, my work
computer (photoshop) which at the moment has to still run in windows. 

I have my laptop, which does not need windows, but currently won't boot
in dapper.  But as soon as that is resolved, it will be 100% ubuntu. 

And thirdly, my wife's computer is 100% ubuntu.  It is a work computer
too, but only really handles office stuff and some light photo editing
via Photoshop Elements ran through wine.  I started her off a while
back when she was still running windows by having her use open office,
firefox, thunderbird, and gimp.  All went over well except gimp. 

So when Dapper came out, we reformatted the computer and loaded up
dapper and all has been right as rain.

As time goes on, I am going to be trying to transition away from
photoshop.  I am currently about 75% ubuntu 25% Windows on my work
desktop (dual booting).  I hope to not be reliant on Windows by the end
of the year, and then I can start 2007 having achieved freedom :-)

Shay Stephens

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