Problem with using removable storage devices

Durec durec at
Tue Jun 20 11:51:40 UTC 2006


I red discussions about problems with usb storage devices, but I have a
little bit different problem.

If I connect usb flash disk, or memory card into usb reader, I mounts
automatically to folder in /media, created automaticaly. But no icon
appears on the desktop. 

When I was using Ubuntu on another computer, it was working like this:
- I pluged usb-device
- system detected it and icon appears on the desktop.
- by clicking on the icon, I mounted device and folder, in which device
was mouted, opens.
- By rightclick I could umount device.

Now it mounts in /media/something automatically when plugged, but I must
umount device by hand. 

I am using Ubuntu 5.10.

Thank you.

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