Help with sabayon

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Tue Jun 20 11:30:10 UTC 2006


It looks like sabayon is not working. It doesn't configure the menus. 
That is, if I start sabayon and configure the menus, next time I open 
that profile the menus are right back to the default. My users can't 
configure their menus either, they get an error which essentially makes 
me think that sabayon wants to force the profile on everyone. This 
wouldn't be a problem if it was forcing the right profile, but it isn't.

The way things stand now, sabayon does more harm than good. It just 
forces everyone to use the menu structure I *don't* want. So instead of 
things being hard to manage they are just impossible to manage. The only 
thing sabayon seems to do is set the background <sarcasm> woo hoo 

Does anyone know how to make sabayon work?

   "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the
   unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself.
   Therefore all progress depends on unreasonable men."
         -- George Bernard Shaw

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