x freezes after last dapper kernel upgrade

Roy Britten roy.britten at gmail.com
Mon Jun 19 00:06:36 UTC 2006

Something real odd has happened with that update.

I've just lost the video component in mplayer and vlc (audio is still
fine) and I swear that the screen effect on opening an app from the
gnome panel is markedly slower.

Dapper 6.06 on an HP/Compaq nx6120.

If this keeps up I'll have to consider rolling back to the previous
kernel (or the previous Ubuntu release :)


On 18/06/06, golfer <golfbuf at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've had 2 freezes in the last day since upgrading to linux
> 2.6.15-25.43.  I have to do a hard (power button) reboot.  The logs
> show nothing (/var/log/messages|syslog|kernlog|debug}.  How can I
> troubleshoot this problem?

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